The Carbon Credit Quality Initiative

Transparent Scores for Carbon Credit Quality

Explore Our Scoring Tool

Our Mission: Enhancing the Quality of Carbon Credits

Founded by Environmental Defense Fund, World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US) and Oeko-Institut, the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) provides transparent information on the quality of carbon credits. This enables users to understand what types of carbon credits are more likely to deliver actual emission reductions as well as social and environmental benefits.

A Scoring Tool to Understand Carbon Credit Quality

CCQI offers a free, user-friendly tool to score different types of carbon credits against seven quality objectives. Enter the project activity, carbon crediting program, quantification methodology and other relevant details, and see how it scores.

Explore Our Scoring Tool


How We Move the Market Toward Quality

Carbon credits must be of high quality to effectively contribute to the global goals of the Paris Agreement. However, not all carbon credits meet these high standards. Transparent and trustworthy information on carbon credit quality can help different stakeholders move the market towards higher quality:

  • Carbon credit buyers and traders can use our scores as part of their due diligence efforts.
  • Carbon crediting programs can use our detailed assessments to improve their rules and methodologies.
  • Project developers can use our findings to design their projects in ways that avoid specific risks.

What Makes CCQI Unique


Independent and led by non-profit organizations

The initiative is led by non-profit organizations and not funded, even in part, by revenues related to carbon credits. Experts involved in CCQI are not employed by project developers or carbon crediting programs.


Science-driven and trustworthy

Our assessment methodology strongly draws on available research on carbon credit quality and was reviewed by stakeholders. Experts providing the assessments have deep expertise in carbon markets.


Scores on an interval scale, not on a binary basis

The initiative provides a granular assessment of carbon credit quality against multiple criteria. This helps buyers make more informed decisions on carbon credit quality.


Unparalleled transparency

Our methodology is publicly available, along with detailed assessment documents explaining how each score was determined.


All scores free-of-charge

Our open-access model ensures that all stakeholders can benefit from this information.

Explore Our Scores

Use our free, interactive tool to access our scores.
Explore Our Scoring Tool

Scores are available for the following project types:

  • Avoided planned deforestation
  • Avoided unplanned deforestation
  • Commercial afforestation
  • Efficient cookstoves
  • Establishment of natural forests
  • Household biodigesters
  • Hydropower
  • Improved forest management
  • Industrial biodigesters fed with livestock manure
  • Landfill gas utilization
  • Leak repair in natural gas transmission and distribution systems
  • Recovery of associated gas from oil fields
  • Solar photovoltaic power
  • Wind power (onshore)

The project types are currently assessed across five carbon crediting programs: the American Carbon Registry (ACR), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Climate Action Reserve (CAR), Gold Standard (GS), and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) operated by Verra. Two complementary standards have also been assessed: the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards and the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta), both operated by Verra.

Moving forward, CCQI seeks to assess more project types and programs to generate as many scores as possible.

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